Is your child interested in


Join our CEO for a free one-of-a-kind introduction to code. We'll explore how code can be used in almost any career!

RocketHour Intro Session

Why join an Intro Session?

Foster a Passion

Passion starts with inspiration and curiosity. Without passion, children do not strive to learn and grow. Join a RocketHour Intro Session and see if your child has a passion for technology.

Grow beyond school

Regular school classes can limit a child's mind. By signing up to a RocketHour Intro Session, you will expose your son or daughter to a world of possibility that lies beyond the walls of a traditional classroom.

Lay a foundation

Every journey starts with the first step. Joining a RocketHour Intro Session is the first step in laying a solid foundation in your child's technological development.

Book a spot
RocketHour Intro Session

What is an Intro Session?

We have noticed that most children do not have a good grasp of what code is. They do not know where it is used and why it is so fascinating. They do not understand how code is used in all STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

To help with this, our CEO, John will be running a limited number of online Intro Sessions. He will be sharing some of his curiosity and passion for coding and technology ❤️🚀

He will explore some of code's practical applications such as robotics and web development along with some of its more niche uses like maths and art.

The session is entirely free and does not require you to sign up for RocketHour. If you do, it is a bonus.

Our hope is that the session will be highly interactive with stimulating questions and activities. If your child leaves the session a little more interested in code and its various applications, we will consider it a success ✅

Book a spot
RocketHour Intro Session

Book your spot.

Important Notice

Select the date you would like your child to attend from the following calendar. Please note, places are extremely limited. Please avoid signing up until you are absolutely sure you can make your chosen date.

Essential Details

  • Who: Curious kids, aged 8 to 16
  • Time: 4 - 5pm (SAST)
  • Location: Online via Google Meets
  • Cost: Free
  • Requirements: Laptop or desktop computer with working headset, reliable internet, quiet environment, notepad and pen
  • Goals: Stimulate a curiosity for coding and technology
RocketHour Intro Session

Frequently Asked Questions?

Why do you run these sessions?
What is 'RocketHour'?
Are you legit?
How much is the full program?